World Euchre Championship TOURNAMENT RULES
Revised 6/6/2024
Welcome to the World Euchre Championship tournament rules page! Our tournaments are not just about competition—they are fundraisers and intended to bring the Euchre community together for fun and camaraderie. Please play with patience and sportsmanship, keeping the social spirit of the game in mind when competing. For rule inquiries, please email us before the tournament. So let the games begin—have fun and shuffle up!
Questions? Email us at info@newglaruscares.com
Game Format:
Games are played with four players, organized into two partnerships.
Each partnership aims to accumulate as many points as possible during each game.
The tournament follows a set format, with each game consisting of 12 hands (three trips around a table) and 8 games total in the tournament (96 hands).
A “trick” is a round of cards played. The players lay down one card in succession. The one who plays the highest-ranking card of the lead suit or the highest trump card wins the trick.
Deck Setup:
A 24-card deck consisting of A, K, Q, J, 10, and 9 of each suit is used. No jokers.
Partnerships strive to win at least three tricks per hand. When winning three tricks a team receives one point. When winning all five tricks a team receives two points. Failing to win three tricks constitutes a Euchre (a.k.a. bump) and each losing player must put $1 in the “bump” cup at the table ($2 total).
A “loner” refers to a situation when a player declares they are “going alone." When a player “goes alone,” their partner lays down their cards face down and does not participate in the hand. Players who successfully win all five tricks when “going alone” will score four points for their team. Winning just three or four tricks when “going alone” results in scoring one point for their team. Failing to win at least three tricks when “going alone” results in a Euchre and the losing player must put $2 in the “bump” cup.
Card Rankings:
The highest trump card is the jack of the trump suit, known as the "right bower."
The jack of the other suit of the same color is the second-highest trump, called the "left bower."
Remaining trump rank as follows: Ace, King, Queen, 10, and 9. Non-trump suits rank as follows: Ace, King, Queen, non-trump Jack, 10, and 9.
Points are awarded based on the number of tricks won and whether the partnership or a loner hand succeeds or fails.
Winning 3 or 4 tricks with the fixed trump earns 1 point.
Winning all 5 tricks with the fixed trump earns 2 points.
A loner hand winning all 5 tricks earns 4 points.
If a partnership fails to win at least three tricks on a non-loaner hand WHEN CALLING TRUMP, opponents score 2 points, and the losing partnership is responsible for putting $2 in the "bump" cup.
If a player declares they are “going alone” and fails to win at least three tricks, opponents score 2 points, and that player is responsible for putting $2 in the bump cup.
The person (singles tournament) or team (doubles tournament) with the most combined points at the end of the tournament wins. In the event of a tie, the person (singles) or team (doubles) with the most games won shall be declared the winner. And if there is still a tie, each person (singles) or one person from each team (doubles) shall participate in a best-of-seven game of Rock Paper Scissors. The tournament director shall serve as judge.
Scoring Mechanism:
One player from each team is responsible for keeping score for their own team and the opposing team to prevent disputes.
At the completion of each game, players keeping score from each team should agree to the final score and the number of “bumps,” after which players should notify the table runner assigned to their table when the game is done.
The table runner assigned to a table will record the score onto a game sheet and turn it into the scorekeepers table.
Players will be provided a score sheet at when checking-in so players can keep track of their scores throughout the tournament.
Partner and Deal Determination:
Players are randomly assigned the first table they sit at when checking-in at the tournament, regardless if a player is competing in the singles tournament or the doubles tournament.
Table assignments are randomly selected when checking-in and when a player number is assigned. Partners and players change every game.
To determine seating assignments at each table, the cards should be mixed up in a pile in the middle of the table face down and players shall each select a card. The first two with matching color suits are partners.
In the doubles tournament, visiting players deal. The home team will determine which player on the visiting team deals. Visiting teams deal first after shuffling and offering a cut to the person on the dealer’s right.
In the singles tournament, the lowest card is the first dealer. The lowest card also determines the dealer in the first game of the doubles tournament. Suits are ranked accordingly in the event of a tie: spades (♠), hearts (♥), diamonds (♦), clubs (♣).
A player’s new partner is the player seated opposite of them, across the table.
Deal Procedure:
The dealer must shuffle the deck and offer the opposing player to the right an opportunity to cut the deck. That player may decline.
The dealer distributes five cards to each player in a clockwise manner, starting with the first player to their left.
The dealer must deal (a) two cards to all players and then three cards to all players, or alternatively, (b) three cards to all players and then two cards to all players, or (c) three cards to one's opponent, then two cards to one's partner, then three cards to one's other opponent, and then two cards to oneself, or (d) two cards to one’s opponent, then three cards to one’s partner, then two cards to one’s other opponent, and then three cards to oneself, until five cards are dealt to each player. No other methods of dealing are allowed.
After the deal, the dealer places the remaining deck in front of them and reveals the top card.
Players have the option to accept or reject the revealed card as trump.
Trump Determination:
If all players pass in the first round, subsequent rounds allow players to name the trump suit other than the suit that was turned down.
The dealer must call trump if all players pass in the second round (a.k.a. sticking the dealer).
Players who order trump must have at least one trump card in their hand. Having only the left bower is acceptable. Dealers who pick-up trump need not have trump in their hand.
The game begins with the player to the dealer's left making the opening lead.
Players must follow suit if possible; otherwise, they may trump or play a non-trump card. If a player fails to follow suit, this is called “reneging” and it is considered a
“bump.” When a player reneges, their team forfeits two points and each player on that team must put $1 in the “bump” cup ($2 total). If a player reneges when their opponent is attempting a loner, they forfeit four points and must put $1 each in the “bump” cup ($2 total). The highest card of the suit led, or the highest trump wins the trick.
3. The winner of a trick leads the next card.
4. A card laid is a card played, even if it results in losing a hand or a game.
5. Any cards exposed during the deal will result in a misdeal and the dealer must deal again.
6. Players must finish playing all of their cards to prevent unfair advantages and help prevent reneging, intentional or otherwise. Surrendering or tossing cards without being played will result in a “bump.” Any player who does this must put $1 in the “bump” cup.
7. Accidentally exposing cards does not result in a misdeal or loss of a trick, however, if a player does this repeatedly, that player may be disqualified from the tournament.
8. Players must not look at the blind until a hand is completed.
Rotation and Tournament Progression:
Teams that win the first game (doubles tournament only) will remain in those seats for the duration of the tournament. Teams that lose the first game will move to the next table after the completion of each game (i.e., If moving from table 10, a player would go to table 11. If a player is moving from the last table, a player would move to table 1).
Players in the singles tournament will be assigned their table assignments for the duration of the tournament when they check-in.
Championship Belts and Gift Baskets: Winners of the singles tournament and doubles tournament shall each receive a championship belt. For the doubles tournament, two belts will be awarded to the winning team. In addition to the championship belts, winners will also receive a basket of prizes generously donated by sponsors and local businesses.
Second and Third Place: Second and third place winners in both the singles and doubles tournaments will be awarded a basket of prizes donated by sponsors and local businesses.
Special Awards: Prizes may be awarded for various achievements and contributions, including, but not necessarily limited to: (a) Farthest Traveler—Awarded to the participant who traveled the greatest distance to attend the tournament, (b) Low Score—Awarded to the individual with the lowest overall score in the tournament, (c) High Game—Recognizing those players who scored the most points in one game, (d) Sportsmanship—Acknowledging an individual in each game who displayed exemplary sportsmanship and fair play throughout the tournament, (e) Best Dressed—Recognizing the participant with the most impressive attire, and (e) Door Prizes—Randomly distributed to tournament participants as additional tokens of appreciation.
Participants found to be in violation of tournament rules or engaged in unsportsmanlike behavior may be disqualified from prize eligibility, and any prizes awarded to them may be forfeited.
By accepting a prize, winners agree to allow tournament organizers to use their name, likeness, and/or photograph for promotional purposes related to the tournament, without further compensation or notification.
Prizes have no cash value, are non-transferable, and may not be exchanged for cash or other alternatives.
All decisions regarding the selection of prize winners are final and binding.
Additional Rules and Notes:
All players are required to treat fellow participants, staff, and volunteers with respect and courtesy at all times.
Mobile phones and electronic devices must be silenced during gameplay to avoid disruption.
Any form of distracting behavior, including excessive talking, gestures, or noise, is discouraged during gameplay.
Players are responsible for keeping track of their scores and reporting any discrepancies to the table runner promptly.
Any form of cheating, including signaling or exchanging information with other players, intentional or otherwise, is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate disqualification. Any strong suspicion of cheating will not result in disqualification but may result in a player being banned from future tournaments.
The use of electronic devices or reference materials to aid gameplay is not permitted.
Players must refrain from discussing ongoing games with individuals who have not yet played those games.
In the event of technical issues or disruptions, players must remain calm and follow instructions from tournament staff.
Players are expected to attend a rules meeting at 12 PM. The rules meeting will be used to highlight certain rules and answer questions. This time will not be used to complain about the rules or discuss changing rules. If a member wants to change a rule for next year’s tournament, please let us know after the tournament. The rules meeting will last exactly 30 minutes; no longer.
Players are encouraged to ask questions if they are unsure about any rules or procedures.
Players are expected to play expeditiously. 12 to 14 minutes are planned per game and 3 to 4 minutes between games for players to move to their new tables.
After the fourth game, there will be a 20-minute intermission. Please plan any restroom breaks, smoke breaks, or food and/or beverage purchases during that intermission.
If players are slow, please be patient. We’re all here to have fun.
The tournament organizers reserve the right to make changes to the schedule and rules. The tournament organizers also reserve the right to adjust table assignments to expedite game play or assist those players who are handicapped.
Any form of discrimination, harassment, or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and may result in immediate expulsion from the tournament.
If a dispute arises at a table, each player must politely notify their table runner and ask that the tournament judge(s) settle the dispute.
All decisions made by the tournament judge(s) regarding rules, disputes, and prize allocations are final. There shall be no appeals or reconsiderations once a decision has been rendered.
Gambling and side bets are strictly prohibited during tournament play.
Because everyone will be playing with players of different ages, experiences and skill sets, players are expected to be patient and tolerate faults.
This tournament is a fundraiser and is intended to provide entertainment to its participants. Participants are encouraged to enjoy themselves and have fun while maintaining a competitive spirit and fair play.
As a condition for entering the tournament and being present at the World Euchre Championship, you grant to New Glarus Cares Community Foundation, Inc. and its affiliates, licensees, assigns and successors the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to use, re-use, publish, re-publish, display, perform, transmit, exhibit, and reproduce your name, statements, video, voice, photograph, or other likeness (“Likeness”) in connection with the event in all forms and media including composite or modified representations for all purposes, including advertising, trade, or any commercial purpose throughout the world and in perpetuity.
By entering the World Euchre Championship, you waive and release New Glarus Cares Community Foundation, Inc. and its affiliates, licensees, assigns and successors from any claims that may arise regarding the use of your Likeness in connection with the event, including, without limitation, any right to inspect your Likeness, any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, infringement of moral rights, and copyright infringement or for any fees for use of your Likeness.
You understand that all photography, filming and/or recording at the event inside and outside of the building(s) will be done in reliance on your consent.